Increase of pilot transportation fee

10 Jun 2022 / Corpus Christi, United States

The rates, terms and conditions of the Aransas-Corpus Christi Pilots (the “ACCP Tariff”) includes a transportation fee. The ACCP Tariff states the transportation fee is indexed to the cost of marine diesel and will be adjusted every six (6) months to neutralize the cost of fuel.

The current transportation fee is $53.47 per movement. The fee has not been adjusted since February 10, 2016. The price per gallon of marine diesel has increased 159.96% or $85.53 since the last adjustment.

Effective June 2, 2022, the transportation fee has increased to $139.00 per movement.

(For information about operations in the United States, contact GAC North America at [email protected])

Source: Port of Corpus Christi Authority Notice To Port Users dated 2 June 2022

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