Increase in the Number of Booking Slots in the Panamax and Neopanamax Locks

18 Dec 2023 / Panama Canal, Panama

Based on the current and projected level of Gatun Lake, the Panama Canal Authority (ACP) has announced an adjustment to the number and distribution of booking slots for the Panamax and Neopanamax locks, as well as other modifications to the Transit Reservation System.

In the Neopanamax Locks, one slot is being added in Period 1.a. (30 days prior to transit date). Applications under this new slot distribution will be received at the opening of the tiebreaker competition beginning 17 December 2023, for transit date 16 January 2024. The daily auction slot currently offered in Period 3 will continue until further notice. The special auction for full container vessels announced in Advisory to Shipping A-52-2023 may be offered as deemed necessary, as determined by the ACP.

In the Panamax Locks, two slots from the supers category are being carried over from Period 1 to Period 2. For the regular vessel category, one slot is being added in Period 2. Applications under this new slot distribution for Period 2 will be received at the opening of the tiebreaker competition beginning 2 January 2024, for transit date 16 January 2024.

In addition, the two auction slots offered in Period 3 will be available to both supers and regular vessels, effective 9 January 2024, for auctions beginning 16 January 2024. These auctions will be offered to specific market segments based on the groups announced in Advisory to Shipping A-51-2023. The ACP will notify the day of the week when the slots to be auctioned will become available to each group.

Please see attached additional information.

For further details, as well as information about operations in the Suez Canal, contact GAC Panama at [email protected].

If quoting any content from Hot Port News, please cite GAC Hot Port News as the source.