Idalia to make landfall tomorrow

30 Aug 2023 / Gulf Coast ports, United States

Tropical Storm Idalia is predicted to make landfall as Category 3 storm tomorrow morning (Wednesday 30 August) north of Tampa.

In preparation, Tampa has closed. It is currently the only port to have closed to traffic but Savannah may follow shortly.

The status of ports in the affected area is as follows:

- Open
- Port Condition X-Ray set at 0800 on 28 August

- Open
- Port Condition X-Ray set at 0800 on 28 August

Port Everglades
- Open
- Port Condition Whiskey set at 1800 on 28 August. Yankee not expected to be set.

- Open
- Port Condition Yankee set at 0800 on 29 August

- Closed
- Port Condition Zulu set at 0800 on 28 August

- Open
- Port Condition X-Ray set at 0800 on 28 August

For further details and updates, as well as information about operations in the United States, contact GAC North America at [email protected]

If quoting any content from Hot Port News, please cite GAC Hot Port News as the source.