Hurricane Beryl recovery update

12 Jul 2024 / Texas, United States

The Captain of the Port [Houston] advised that surveys are nearing completion, and he expects that all remaining restrictions will soon be lifted...

Vessel Traffic Service:
- Port Houston is now open to all commercial vessel traffic 24/7.
- There are no longer any draft restrictions on the Houston Ship Channel.
- Above Morgan’s Point, awaiting the final USACE survey information but no traffic restrictions in the meantime.

USCG reports:
- 137 ATONs were damaged; about 66 ATONs have been repaired since then...
- Port State Control is ops normal. They will prioritize COC inspections on expired ships ahead of others...
- There are still numerous terminals across the Sector that have NOT been approved to conduct cargo operations because they have not submitted their post-storm assessments.

- Still experiencing a power outage, moved to different location.
- Use only phone number: 832-250-4814 or 713-677-9170…

Port Houston: No priorities to report

Port of Galveston: No priorities or concerns to report.

Port of Texas City: No priorities or concerns; awaiting USACE surveys.

Port Freeport: No priorities or concerns; awaiting repairs to the ranges to begin nighttime transits.

Houston Pilots:
- They are reviewing the queue and will begin moving draft-restricted and/or daylight-restricted ships today [11 July]
- 14 draft-restricted ships were waiting as of this morning
- 33 ships moved yesterday
- Expect to get caught up today with one possible exception

Galveston-Texas City Pilots:
- Back to normal operations 24/7
- Maximum draft in Galveston is still at 35 feet, until the final centerline channel survey is completed later today.
- Maximum draft in Texas City remains at 30 feet; awaiting the channel surveys from US Army Corps of Engineers, which should be processed and uploaded today.

Brazos Pilots:
- Currently still at 36-foot draft restriction until USACE surveys are completed
- 3 draft restricted ships are waiting now
- Daylight Restricted until forward range NavAid repairs are finished next week, they will resume nighttime operations

All harbor tugs are operational; no change in usual availability.

(For information about operations in the United States, contact GAC North America at [email protected])

Source: West Gulf Maritime Association (WGMA) Sector Houston-Galveston Ports PCT Call Update dated 11 July 2024

If quoting any content from Hot Port News, please cite GAC Hot Port News as the source.