Further protected industrial action at Qube Ports

08 Jan 2025 / Adelaide, Brisbane, Darwin & Port Kembla, Australia

The Maritime Union of Australia has given notice of further protected industrial action by its members at Qube Ports, as follows:

- 8-hour stoppage from when the vessel ties up at the berth.
- Only 8-hour shifts will be worked.
- Work will only commence at 0700, 1500 and 2300.
- No shift extensions.
- Ban on performance of shift pre-starts.
- No work during meal or other breaks.
- Once start time ordered, no variation to that start time will be accepted.
- No call-ins outside of allocated shifts will be accepted.
- No transfer between berths or sites once allocated to work.
- 1-hr stoppage daily at 0330, 1130 and 1930, from 0330 on Friday 10 January to 2030 Thursday 16 January.

- 24-hour stoppage commencing at 2300 today (Wednesday 8 January).
- 24-hour stoppage commencing at 2300 on Thursday 9 January.
- 24-hour stoppage commencing at 2300 on Friday 10 January.
- 24-hour stoppage commencing at 2300 on Saturday 11 January.
- 24-hour stoppage commencing at 2300 on Sunday 12 January.
- 24-hour stoppage commencing at 2300 on Monday 13 January.
- 24-hour stoppage commencing at 2300 on Tuesday 14 January.

- 8-hour stoppage from when the vessel ties up at the berth.
- Only work 8-hour shifts to be worked.
- Work will only commence work at 0700, 1500 and 2300.
- No shift extensions.
- Ban on performance of shift pre-starts.
- Once start time ordered, no variation to that start time will be accepted.
- No call-ins outside of allocated shifts will be accepted.
- 1-hour stoppage each day at 0600.

- 24-hour stoppage of work commencing at 0700 on Wednesday 8 January.
- 24-hour stoppage of work commencing at 0700 on Thursday 9 January.
- 24-hour stoppage of work commencing at 0700 on Friday 10 January.
- 24-hour stoppage of work commencing at 0700 on Saturday 11 January.
- 24-hour stoppage of work commencing at 0700 on Sunday 12 January.
- 24-hour stoppage of work commencing at 0700 on Monday 13 January.
- 24-hour stoppage of work commencing at 0700 on Tuesday 14 January.
- 24-hour stoppage of work commencing at 0700 on Wednesday 15 January.
- 24-hour stoppage of work commencing at 0700 on Thursday 16 January.

For further details and updates, as well as information about operations at Australian ports, contact GAC Australia at [email protected]

If quoting any content from Hot Port News, please cite GAC Hot Port News as the source.