Fuel surcharge introduced

01 Aug 2022 / Scapa Flow, United Kingdom

The Orkney Islands Council have advised that since 26 July 2022, due to the increase in operating costs over the past months, a fuel surcharge is implemented on all services at Scapa that require the use of tugs and/or a pilot launch.

Based on the costs last week, the following costs are added:

STS Transfer/Flotta – Tugs

STS Transfer/Flotta – Pilot Launch

Charge per Tug (hourly)

Hire of Pilot Launch (hourly)

Pilotage (boarding & landing)

Fuel costs will be monitored and the fuel surcharge will be removed if costs are reduced dramatically until the review of the Schedule of Charges for 2023/24.

For information about operations in the United Kingdom, contact GAC UK at uk@gac.com

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