Force Majeure declared

08 Dec 2023 / Kattupalli, India

Adani Ports and Logistics has declared Force Majeure at Kattupalli Port due to the impact of Severe Cyclone MICHAUNG on port operations.

Port operations were suspended from 1800 hours local time on 3 December as a precautionary measure, in line with guidance from statutory government authorities and to ensure safety of both humans and port infrastructure. There has been no loss of life at the port.

During the cyclone, the port witnessed excessively high sustained wind speed of over 98KMpH gusting to 130KMpH, as well as 450mm of rainfall. The port and all nearby areas experienced complete power failure. As this event is considered an act of God, the port has issued notification of a Force Majeure in terms of our contract with effect from 3 December.

While a post facto preliminary survey has relayed significant damage to the cargo storage shade, Material Handling System and ancillary infrastructure, leading to temporary operational constraints, port management is confident that it will be able to operate at full capacity in a short period of time. A cessation of Force Majeure event notice to that effect will be subsequently issued.

The port has already partially resumed operations by berthing the first vessel at 1800 hours on 5 December.

Marine Infrastructure Developer Pvt Ltd (Kattupalli Port) will not be liable for any claims, damages, charges, etc. of whatsoever nature (including, without limitation, claims of vessel demurrage & low discharge rate) and/or extent, arising directly or indirectly out of and/or connected to this Force Majeure event.

For information about operations in India, contact GAC India at [email protected]

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