Fish Culture Zones at Wong Chuk Kok Hoi and Mirs Bay

13 Dec 2023 / Hong Kong

Fish Culture Zones will be established at Wong Chuk Kok Hoi and Mirs Bay with effect from 13 December 2023.

The position of the Fish Culture Zones are as follows:

Wong Chuk Kok Hoi Fish Culture Zone
The Fish Culture Zone is bounded by straight lines joining the following co-ordinates (WGS 84 Datum) from (A) to (D):
(A) 22° 30.645’N 114° 19.358’E
(B) 22° 30.407’N 114° 19.427’E
(C) 22° 30.301’N 114° 18.993’E
(D) 22° 30.542’N 114° 18.933’E

Mirs Bay Fish Culture Zone
The Fish Culture Zone is bounded by straight lines joining the following co-ordinates (WGS 84 Datum) from (E) to (H) and (I) to (L):
(E) 22° 28.656’N 114° 22.651’E
(F) 22° 28.359’N 114° 23.152’E
(G) 22° 27.902’N 114° 22.838’E
(H) 22° 28.200’N 114° 22.337’E
(I) 22° 27.270’N 114° 22.245’E
(J) 22° 27.268’N 114° 23.461’E
(K) 22° 26.479’N 114° 23.461’E
(L) 22° 26.481’N 114° 22.243’E

Vessels navigating in the vicinity should proceed with caution.

(For information about operations in Hong Kong, contact GAC Hong Kong at [email protected])

Source: Government of the Hong Kong SAR Marine Department Notice No.206/2023

If quoting any content from Hot Port News, please cite GAC Hot Port News as the source.