Fees for vessels staying at waiting areas

31 Jul 2023 / Suez Canal, Egypt

The Suez Canal Authority reconfirmed on the implementation of Circular 04/2023 concerning the stay and berthing fees on vessels waiting for more than 48 hours at Suez Canal waiting areas (Port Said), applicable from 1 August with no exceptions.

For vessels waiting for more than 48 hours at the SCA waiting areas (Port Said), the stay and berthing fees are collected in accordance to the following conditions:

  • Fees are levied on vessels waiting at the SCA waiting areas and performing the following operations (crew change, anchor failure, shipping, machinery failure, etc.) .
  • Fees are collected after 48 hrs. (two days) of berthing at the waiting areas, starting from her arrival to the waiting area.
  • 30 cents are paid for each ton of the gross tonnage for each day (starting from her arrival to the waiting area).
  • A fraction of a ton is considered a full ton and a fraction of a day is considered a full day.

The following are exempted from the fees stated above:
- companies which are granted the license of bunkering at Port Said and Suez; and
- vessels executing repair or maintenance at Suez Canal shipyards or the companies affiliated to Suez Canal Authority.

The terms, conditions and procedures applied in relevance to mooring and berthing fees collection are duly applicable.

For further details, as well as information about operations in the Suez Canal, contact GAC Egypt at suezcanal@gac.com

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