Extension of payment deadline for port dues

27 Apr 2020 / Antwerp, Belgium

To support companies in the port in these exceptional circumstances, Antwerp Port Authority has agreed to let them delay payment of port dues for seagoing ships and barges.

Due to the problems caused by the Covid-19 pandemic the Antwerp port community has asked the Port Authority for support measures.

After consulting Alfaport, the Port Authority has agreed to extend the payment deadline for port dues to 48 days instead of 30 days for barges and 18 days for seagoing ships. This deferment of payment applies to all ships calling the port of Antwerp from 1 May to 30 June, and may subsequently be extended if necessary. For maritime shipping, this delay is applied to tonnage dues & berthing dues.

A similar deferment is being prepared for concessions and will be submitted to the Port of Authority Board of Directors for discussion at the end of May.

(For information about operations in Belgium, contact GAC Belgium at [email protected])

Source: Alfaport-VOKA/Antwerp Port Authority announcement at www.portofantwerp.com

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