Establishment of yellow marker buoys demarcating steep seabed at Plover Cove

08 Dec 2022 / Hong Kong

Ten yellow marker buoys have been established to demarcate steep seabed at Plover Cove at the following co-ordinates (WGS 84 Datum) from (A) to (J):

(A) 22° 27.683’N 114° 12.533’E
(B) 22° 27.680’N 114° 12.564’E
(C) 22° 27.648’N 114° 12.568’E
(D) 22° 27.613’N 114° 12.581’E
(E) 22° 27.601’N 114° 12.593’E
(F) 22° 27.602’N 114° 12.615’E
(G) 22° 27.590’N 114° 12.589’E
(H) 22° 27.612’N 114° 12.552’E
(I) 22° 27.629’N 114° 12.538’E
(J) 22° 27.662’N 114° 12.528’E

The 10 marker buoys have been laid at the co-ordinates (A) to (J). Each marker buoy had been fitted with a yellow flashing light. The details and characteristics of the marker buoy are as follows:

Type: Marker

Shape: Cone

Colour: Yellow

Light characteristics: F1 (30) Y. 60s

Colour of light: Yellow

Words marked in English: STEEP SEABED

Vessels navigating in the vicinity should proceed with caution.

(For information about operations in Hong Kong, contact GAC Hong Kong at [email protected])

Source: Government of Hong Kong SAR Marine Department Notice No.246/2022

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