End of monsoon season

03 Oct 2023 / Mormugao, India

Fair weather season will be commencing at [Mormugao] port from 3 October 2023 and hence vessels will be permitted to operate West of Breakwater.

However, all concerned are advised to exercise due caution as the weather is liable to deteriorate without warning. Vessels loading East of Breakwater will be permitted to load to their seasonal mark.

The LOA and draft limitations for alongside berths will be as follows and will continue till further notice. All berthing and unberthing operations for loaded vessels will be in conjunction with high tide, taking into account the Under Keel Clearance, Nautical Depth, prevailing sea and weather conditions on the day in question. Vessels intended to make use of the tide and load to the declared draft should request the Dy. Conservator/Harbour Msster for his permission, 24 hours before completion as per the present practice.

  • Breakwater berth
    - LOA 210 m in fair weather(*)
    - 08.50 m at high tide
    (* Passenger/cruise ships of up to 360m LOA with good maneuvrability can be handled in fair weather conditions)
    Mole berth
    - LOA 200 m in fair weather
    - 08.50 m at high tide

  • Berth 1, 2, 3
    Not in use

  • Berth No.4
    - LOA 180 m in fair weather
    - 07.50 m at high tide

  • Berth No.5 (can accommodate cape vessels)
    - LOA 200 m (***)
    - 14.00 m at high tide
    (*** Maximum working length of Berth 5 & 6 is 440 m)

  • Berth No.6 (can accommodate cape vessels)
    - LOA 240 m (***)
    - 14.00 m at high tide
    (*** Maximum working length of Berth 5 & 6 is 440 m)

  • Berth No.7
    - LOA 280 m
    - 14.00 m at high tide

  • Berth No.8
    - LOA 190 m
    - 12.00 m at high tide

  • Berth No.9
    - LOA 300 m
    - 11.50 m at high tide

  • Berth No.10
    - LOA 225 m
    - 12.80 m at high tide

  • Berth No.11
    - LOA 225 m
    - 12.80 m at high tide

  • Mooring Dolphins 1 & 2
    - LOA 225 m
    - 13.10 m at high tide

  • Mooring Dolphins 2 & 3
    - LOA 225 m
    - 13.10 m at high tide

  • Mooring Dolphins 3 & 4
    - LOA 225 m
    - 12.80 m at high tide

  • Mooring Dolphins 4 & 5
    - LOA 225 m
    - 12.80 m at high tide

  • Mooring Dolphins 5 & 6
    - LOA 225 m
    - 12.80 m at high tide

Mooring Dolphins are numbered from East (Kharewado Jetty Side) as No.1 and Westward to No.2 and No.3 towards breakwater.

(For information about operations in India, contact GAC India at [email protected])

Source: Mormugao Port Authority Harbour Notice No.10 (TEMP) 2023 dated 3 October 2023

If quoting any content from Hot Port News, please cite GAC Hot Port News as the source.