Electronic service fee amendment

12 Jun 2024 / Suez Canal, Egypt

The fee for using the Suez Canal Authority’s Electronic Service has been amended, as follows:
1) $ 300 for vessels transiting the Suez Canal starting from 1 September 2024.
2) $ 500 for vessels transiting the Suez Canal starting from 1 January n2025.

The following conditions shall remain in force.

  • Every issued “Transit Dues” bill will be charged the afore mentioned Electronic Service fees.
  • The Electronic Service fees will be included in every issued “Transit Dues” bill as a separate item and amount under the name of “Electronic Transit Request (ETR)”.
  • The Electronic Service fees is considered an integral part of and related to normal transit dues where it neither affects nor affected by any surcharges or granted rebates. Hence; will be collected in the same currency in which the vessel’s transit dues had been collected, according to the exchange rate used on transit date.

The below vessels are exempted from the Electronic Service fees:
- Vessels exempted from transit dues whatever the reason of exemption.
- Small floating units (of Suez Canal Gross Tonnage less than 300 tons except for “Navy Ships”).

For further details, as well as information about operations in the Suez anal, contact GAC Egypt at [email protected]

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