Draft reduction /declaration of Force Majeure

19 Dec 2022 / Karaikal Port, India

The recent Cyclone Mandous had serious effects on Karaikal Port, thereby channel depth got reduced to 12.5m due to heavy siltation. As of now we are not in a position to berth vessels drawing more than 12.5m draft.

The port has made all efforts by mobilizing dredgers and deploying them to arrive at the original draft. Until such time the original depth is achieved, this period will be considered as Force Majeure. Accordingly, vessels arriving with draft more than 12.5m may have to wait until the depths are improved for navigating the channel and berthing the vessel.

The dredge had already commenced and our efforts are to resume normal operations within 15 days...

(For information about operations in India, contact GAC India at [email protected])

Source: Karaikal Port Trade Circular dated 17 December 2022

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