Cyclone alert

09 Jun 2023 / Deendayal, India

Deendayal Port Authority is going to experience severe cyclonic weather due to approach of Cyclonic Storm ‘Biparjoy”. Hence, all concerned are requested to take necessary precautions as mentioned below:

  1. Inward movements of all vessels may be required to be cancelled from 10 June evening, which will be confirmed subsequently.
  2. All vessels alongside berth to be ready for sea, at short notice. These vessels have to maintain continuous listening watch on VHF Channel 08/10.
  3. All vessel at OTB anchorage to pick up anchorage to move to high sea/out of Gulf of Kutch as per their convenience.
  4. Loading arms and other fittings at oil jetties and LPG jetty to be properly secured.
  5. All concerned to secure their equipment ad machinery inside the port and restricted area.
  6. All small crafts inside the harbour to be secured properly. It is to be kept manned continuously to monitor heir safe keeping and their moorings.
  7. All terminals to secure their cargo gear and other related equipment and ensure compliance of heavy weather contingency plan.
  8. Vessels at SPM to flush floating pipelines before casting off from SPM.
  9. All floating elements at SPM to be secured for extreme rough weather.
  10. All concerned to remain in touch with District Administration and Port Authorities with a view to take necessary action.
  11. SoP of barge operations to be strictly followed.
  12. Signal Station to maintain details of barges and other HCL crafts with their location, and they can beach their vessels safely with intimation to Signal Station.
  13. Bunker barges to remain in light (empty) condition.
  14. Capt Pathak to coordinate with COM on Vadinar shipping activities in respect of cyclone till normalcy is restored.
  15. All staff (port/private) must put on PPE while on duty.

(For information about operations in India, contact GAC India at [email protected])

Source: Deendayal Port Authority alert dated 9 June 2023

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