Crew changes with restrictions

13 May 2020 / Estonia

Crew changes are possible in Estonia, with restrictions, as follows:

  1. Upon arrival of a ship in the port, a crew member shall be permitted to enter the port (quay) during the vessel's stay in the port of Estonia only for towing, landing or loading or other activities necessary for the operation.

  2. No regular landing by a member of the crew shall be permitted while the vessel is in port.

  3. The admission of a crew member as a transit passenger to Estonia shall be subject to a special reasoned request submitted by the Police and Border Guard Board to the Tallinn Corps or to the Tallinn-1 border inspection post (Airport) under the following conditions:
    3.1 a crew member who does not show any signs of illness and crosses Estonian territory for the purpose of immediate transit to his / her country of residence, if transport connections allow (air traffic, bus traffic, etc.);
    3.2 a crew member who does not show any signs of illness and crosses the territory of Estonia immediately in order to board a merchant ship for the purpose of transit.

  4. The accommodation of a crew member in the hotels is not permitted in Estonia.

For further details and updates, as well as information about operations in Estonia, contact the GAC Dubai Hub Agency Centre at [email protected]

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