Crew changes update

09 Jul 2020 / Lebanon

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, crew changes in Lebanon are restricted to the following:

Beirut Airport re-opened on July 1st and restricted to max 10% of its normal capacity. Authorities have planned for not more than 2000 passengers per day due to required COVID-19 tests etc.

For Crew Sign-Offs, the latest available information is that crew must carry out the PCR (Covid-19 test) upon vessel/their arrival at port, wait on board for the results. If the result is negative, they will then be confined to a hotel for 72 hours. After 72 hours, a second COVID-19 test is to be carried out. If both tests are negative, sign-off Formalities may be started.

Prior to disembarkation, valid Traveler Insurance is to be arranged and to cover stay in Lebanon and all medical expenses. All expected Medical Expenses and costs must be transferred to the attending agent prior to vessel’s arrival.

For crew Sign-on, the previously advised regulations still apply.

For further details and updates, as well as information about operations in Lebanon, contact GAC Lebanon at

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