Crew change protocol during COVID-19 pandemic

16 Apr 2020 / Gibraltar

Crew changes will be allowed by Gibraltar Port Authority subject to compliance with the following measures:-


  • No OPL crew changes allowed – vessel must be at anchor.
  • Vessel disembarking crew cannot depart Gibraltar until crew have boarded the aircraft.
  • In case of flight cancellation, crew to be returned to vessel – Master to confirm acceptance of this in writing.
  • Disembarking crew to confirm free of any symptoms for the past 14 days – vessel’s Master to provide official declaration.
  • Agent to arrange special transport provisions – transportation from port to airport is to be using designated transport facilities, managed by MMGoG’s office for Civil Contingencies.
  • Agent launch crew to avoid close contact with disembarking crew.
  • No hotel stay allowed.


  • No OPL crew changes allowed – vessel must be at anchor.
  • Onsigners to be isolated in their hotel rooms for stay.
  • Only designated hotel to be used where hotel stay is required. This hotel facility is managed by HMGoG’s office for Civil Contingencies.
  • Agent to arrange special transport provisions – transportation from airport to hotel and to port is to be using designated transport facilities, managed by MMGoG’s office for Civil Contingencies.
  • Agent launch crew to avoid close contact with embarking crew.

(For further details and updates, as well as information about operations in Gibraltar, contact GAC Gibraltar at [email protected])

Source: Gibraltar Port Authority Port Circular No.9 of 2020

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