COVID-19 Precautionary Practices

18 Apr 2020 / New Orleans, United States

To promote safety and limit the risk of spread of COVID-19 to the Lower Mississippi River maritime community, the Captain of the Port New Orleans recommends the following precautions:

1. Limit visitors coming on board the vessel.
a. Prior to vessel's arrival, the Agent shall inform the Master of the expected number of official port personnel scheduled to board the vessel on arrival and upon berthing.
b. Limit visitors coming aboard the vessel to pilots and port personnel required for official ships business and cargo operations.
c. Encourage loading masters not to board the vessel for pre-loading conference and do it via radio instead.
d. Exchange ship and cargo documents via email to the extent possible.

2. Conduct all ship's business on deck in open air whenever possible.
a. Port personnel should avoid entering ship accommodations spaces.
b. Where possible, arrange on deck a temporary "cargo office/table" to conduct business.
c. In the hour prior to Boarding Party's arrival and/or berthing, the ship's crew should wipe down theon-deck meeting area with disinfectant.
i. This includes table, chairs, door handles, windows, sink, faucet handles, etc.
ii. Wipe down the nearest bathroom that will be utilized, including door handles for accessways, sink, faucet, toilet, etc.
iii. Disposable alcohol wipes should be made available on the table.
d. Cargo sampling- Done by vessel's crew on behalf of the surveyor when possible.
i. Surveyor and crew members should maintain two meters distancing.
ii. Documents required by surveyor (ullage reports, etc.) should be sent electronically orexchanged on deck.
iii. Any on board pre-loading conference, should take place out on deck.
iv. Limit loading masters/cargo surveyors from entering ship's accommodation…

(For information about operations in the United States, contact GAC North America at [email protected])

Source: United States Coast Guard Sector New Orleans Marine Safety Information Bulletin dated 17 April 2020

If quoting any content from Hot Port News, please cite GAC Hot Port News as the source.