Coronavirus: Measures taken by health authorities

06 Feb 2020 / Brazil

The Brazilian Health Authority Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária – ANVISA (National Health Surveillance Agency) has defined measures for increased surveillance and control to be adopted at Brazilian ports, airports and ground crossings:

  • Increasing guidance to sanitary inspection and healthcare staff about the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) and increased sensibility for detection and management of suspected cases of the novel coronavirus.
  • Reinforcement of contingency plans and preparedness for immediate reporting of suspected cases at the points of entry.
  • Intensification of cleaning and disinfection routines and procedures at port and airport terminals and use of PPE by cleaning workers.
  • Heightening of disinfection protocols for aircrafts.
  • Addressing passengers, in Portuguese, English and Mandarin, through airport PA systems on the risks and measures to be taken to avoid transmission.

Following the guidance provided by the WHO and the PAHO, ANVISA is not implementing any specific controls of vessels arriving at Brazilian ports which are otherwise operating normally. Nonetheless, as in other international outbreaks of transmissible diseases, it is expected that health controls in Brazilian ports will be increased to some extent. Therefore, vessels arriving from overseas ports must ensure full adherence to the IHR 2005, particularly concerning vaccination cards and ship sanitation certificates.

Vessels coming from China
For vessels that has been in China within last 30 days prior to arrival in Brazil, Captains must declare in the Maritime Declaration form that the vessel is coming from an endemic area.

The Master will be requested to provide copy of Medical Book report showing last 30 days statements.

Based on information provided by Master, Health authorities will provide the Free Pratique by radio in cases where there are no signs of risks to the public health. Otherwise, a more stringent investigation will take place and the Free Pratique will be subject to its results.

For further details and updates, as well as information about operations in Brazil, contact GAC Brazil at [email protected]

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