Cold moves during monsoon

16 May 2022 / Mumbai, India

No “cold moves” (movements of dumb barges) will be allowed [at Mumbai] during the monsoon period.

The only exception would be emergency or when there is a definite ‘lull’ during which period the port and harbour experiences flat calm sea and no rain for small dumb barges and small crafts only.

No ships will move as a cold move during the monsoon months from 1 June to 15 September 2022.

The Chart datums are provided to one and all every month and the regular updates of maximum drafts allowed is made continually at the O.G. meetings. These declarations are to be treated as official. Deviation may be considered on merit taking into account ship size, weather conditions, ship’s performance and equipment for speedy discharge.

(For information about operations in India, contact GAC India at

Source: Mumbai Port Authority Circular No.DC/C-SH/1702

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