Change to dock depths

16 Mar 2023 / Marcus Hook, United States

Post dredge dock soundings were performed at the ship and barge docks on Wednesday 3/8/23. Both dock depths have changed.

Ship Dock:
Current depth at the ship dock, referenced to the MLLW datum, is changed to 40'00" (12.19 m). The terminal has a 1-foot minimum UKC requirement. The maximum allowable FW draft is 39' 00" (11.88 m).

Barge Dock:
Current depth at the barge dock, referenced to the MLLW datum , is change to 30'00". The terminal has a 1-foot minimum UKC requirement. The maximum allowable FW draft is 29' 00". The hydrographic survey for the ship dock is attached.

(For further details, as well as information about operations in the United States, contact GAC North America at [email protected])

Source: Maritime Exchange for the Delaware River and Bay update of 15 March 2023

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