Change to Chinese crew repatriation procedure

23 May 2022 / Oman

The Chinese Embassy in Oman has advised that the quarantine procedure for Chinese crew to enter China has been relaxed and no more 14 quarantine stay is now required.

Therefore, Chinese crew disembarking from any port in the world can travel to Muscat, Oman and secure onward flight to China from Muscat.

They do, however, need to go through following tests prior boarding chartered flights operating from Muscat, Oman.
1. Arrival at Muscat – PCR/IGG & IGM.
2. 48 hours before boarding – PCR/ IGG IGM.
3. 24 hours before boarding – PCR.
4. 12 hours before boarding - Antigen test.

Crew with negative test results can board the flight without any restrictions.

Flight schedule
Every Thursday – Muscat International Airport - Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport

For further details and updates, as well as information about operations in Oman, contact GAC Oman at

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