Capsized vessel causing delays in Sabine Pass

31 Mar 2023 / Port Arthur, Texas, United States

At approximately 6:45 a.m. on March 31, 2023, the ITV SEA CYPRESS capsized with persons on board near Sabine Pass. Ship traffic was stopped while search and rescues operations were being conducted.

All personnel have been recovered, but the vessel and two barges remain located immediately adjacent to the ship channel.

Ship traffic will remain held up until the stability of the vessel and barges can be ascertained and confirmation that vessel traffic would not worsen the situation. At that time, notification will be made via Vessel Traffic Service (VTS) Port Arthur and a follow-up MSIB.

(For further details and updates, as well as information about operations in the Unit3ed States, contact GAC North America at [email protected])

Source: U.S. Coast Guard, Marine Safety Unit, Port Arthur, Texas, Marine Safety Information Bulletin 07-23 dated 31 March 2023

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