Barking Power Station decommissioning

05 Jan 2024 / River Thames/London, United Kingdom

On or about Friday 5th January 2024 contractors from GPS Marine & Civil Services Ltd will be commencing the decommissioning of two cooling water tunnels in the vicinity of East Jetty and Thunderer Jetty. These works will take place 24 hours per day and are expected to last up to 6 weeks…

…Vessels using nearby berths should have full appreciation for the location of these works and plan accordingly.

Requests for vessels to proceed with caution or pass at slow speed will be made by London VTS on VHF ch.14, in accordance with the Port of London Authority’s Port Information Guide, under ‘London VTS’, section 4. When this is applicable, ‘RY’ signals will be displayed.

Masters of passing vessels should have due regard for the effects of their wash including the possibility of rebound from the river wall and the combined effect of wash from other vessels.

A Safety Boat will be in attendance throughout these operations and will maintain a listening watch on VHF Channel 14.

Further details will be broadcast by London VTS on VHF Channel 14, as required.

(For information about operations in the United Kingdom, contact GAC UK at [email protected])

Source: Port of London Authority Notice To Mariners M03-24 dated 4 January 2023

If quoting any content from Hot Port News, please cite GAC Hot Port News as the source.