Bad weather warning

05 Sep 2023 / Brazil

The Brazilian Navy has issued a communication of bad weather and strong winds.

The beginning of the week is marked by the advance of a front over the central-south portion of METAREA V that will influence the weather conditions in the south and south-east regions of Brazil and in the adjacent maritime areas. Occasional heavy rain showers, gusts of wind, rough seas and surf on the coast may be observed.

Due to the meteorological conditions described, there are warnings of strong to very hard wind, of rough sea and surf in Area ALFA; strong to very strong wind and rough sea in Area BRAVO; strong to very hard wind from rough sea and surf in Area CHARLIE; strong wind in Area DELTA; and very strong to very hard wind and very rough sea in the SOUTH OCEANIC Area.

A surf warning covers the coastal strip between Tramandaí (RS) and Florianópolis (SC) with waves of up to 2.5 meters between this morning (5 September) and Wednesday dawn (6 September).

In the northern portion of METAREA V, the Intertropical Convergence Zone and tropical waves favour isolated rain showers on the coast of Areas ECHO and FOXTROT. In addition, due to the positioning of a high pressure system, gusts of wind and may be observed in the NORTH OCEANIC area south of 05°S, SOUTH OCEANIC north of 20°S and rough sea in Area FOXTROT east of 034°W. Warnings have been issued for very strong wind and rough sea, respectively.

For further details and updates, as well as information about operations in Brazil, contact GAC Brazil at [email protected]

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