Availability of anchorages during monsoon period 2024

23 May 2024 / Mumbai, India

The foul weather season is normally from 25 May to 31 August. During this period, the anchorage area of the inner harbour is restricted to a foul weather IV limit line, which is north of the Sunk Rock Light House position. Hence, the number of anchorages that can be utIlised would be restricted due to the non-availability of anchorages to the south of this line (including PLA anchorage) for cargo operation during this period.

Mumbai Port Authority will try and accommodate as many vessels as possible but may have to deny anchorage facilities due to non-availability of anchorage berths. The cargo working anchorage berths will be allotted on a first come first serve basis, while other anchorages will be allotted for short periods only for those vessels also on first come first serve basis, which have specific work at Mumbai. Vessels which have got no employment will not be accorded to ‘lay up anchorage’ and hence are strongly exhorted to find monsoon shelter elsewhere.

The dumb barges and craft without engine which are anchored in the inner Mumbai Harbour will have to keep standby tugs of sufficient power for assistance to vessel. They should have their towing ropes and appropriate gear ready for towing during the stay at anchorage in case of bad weather or any other emergencies.

(For information about operations in India, contact GAC India at [email protected])

Source: Mumbai Port Authority Circular No.DC/C-SH/2024/1223

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