APT berth, pipeline & tank outages

20 Oct 2020 / Immingham, United Kingdom

APT has advised that no shipping/barges can be handled on nominated berths in Immingham until the end of the year, unless otherwise indicated.

By working closely with the refineries, APT will always try to minimise the disruption that berth, line and tank maintenance outages cause. However, without being allowed to carry out planned and routine maintenance, unplanned and long-term outages are possible.

The planned outages are as follows:

IOT Berth 1
- 0800 on 3 November to 1700 on 4 November, for structure repairs & painting
- 0800 on 16 November to 1700 on 17 November, for structure repairs & painting and ABP mooring equipment maintenance
- 0800 on 1 December to 1700 on 2 December, for structure repairs & painting
- 0800 on 15 December to 1700 16 December, for structure repairs & painting and ABP mooring equipment maintenance

IOT Berth 2
- 0800 on 29 October to 1800 on 30 October, for structure repairs, painting, various hot works and ABP mooring equipment maintenance
- 0800 to 1700 on 24 November, for ABP mooring equipment maintenance
- 0800 to 1700 on 11 December, for ABP mooring equipment maintenance

IOT Berth 3
- 0800 to 1700 on 26 November, for redundant pipework removal, ABP mooring equipment maintenance
- 0800 on 23 November to 1700 on 27 November, for ABP Berth front dive inspection (up to 5 days required)
- 0800 to 1700 on 17 December, for redundant pipework removal and ABP mooring equipment maintenance

Finger Pier
- 0800 to 1700 on 28 October, for ABP/APT various hot work
- 0800 to 1700 on 25 November, for ABP/APT Various hot work
- 0800 to 1700 on 18 December, for ABP/APT Various hot work

South Killingholme Jetty (SKJ)
To allow continued use, and until further notice, regular inspections of the white oil loading arm must be carried out. The berth needs to be unoccupied to allow crane barge access. Where possible, natural opportunities will be taken – inspection periods are therefore not shown below.
- 0800 on 10 November to 1800 on 11 November, for preparation work for new loading arms
- 0800 on 8 December to 1700 on 10 December, for preparation work for new loading arms

Immingham Gas Jetty (full berth, LPG and white oils)
- 0800 on 26 October to 1800 on 31 October, for pipework modifications and ABP mooring equipment maintenance
- 0800 to 1700 on 23 November, for hot work repairs and ABP mooring equipment maintenance
- 0800 to 1700 on 14 December, for ABP mooring equipment maintenance

Main Transfer Line, Tank and Loading Arm Works
- 22” Fuel Oil Transfer Line ILI (In Line Inspection): Due to issues during the 22 FO line pigging, the 22” FO line remains Out of Service until further notice.
- 24” Fuel Oil transfer Line: Under road sections to be replaced (x 2) – postponed until 2021
- Tank 33 (G2/G102) OOS for full inspection & repairs – repair work expected to be completed by 24 December. G2/G102 storage capacity at APT will be reduced by 3700m³ from 12300m³ to 8600m³
- Tank 1 (CFO/RGO) full inspection & repairs – duration expected to be 4 months and after Tank 33 work complete – 2021. Fuel oil operations not expected to be affected.
- Tank 32 (K2/K77) ROSOV installation – 3 days duration, dates to be confirmed
- B3 LA3/2 to be overhauled in 2020 – removal complete - 3 days B3 outage required to return – dates to be confirmed for 2021
- SKJ Loading Arm Replacement (x 3) – Preparation work will continue to be scheduled ready for new loading arm installation in 2021

Finger Pier and Terminal Supply Lines and Custody Meters
Finger Pier loading and terminal supply lines under road replacement – programme of works to be defined. There are 18 lines that come in/out of the terminal through culverts under the road. It is not possible to thoroughly inspect these lines so there needs to be a programme of replacement. Effect on the business will be communicated as lines are taken out of service.

For information about operations in the United Kingdom, contact GAC UK at [email protected]

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