Anchorage closed due to severe weather

30 Mar 2022 / Port Kembla, Australia

Port Kembla Anchorage is closed to shipping from 1800 hours local time today (30 March) due to high winds and swell.

Extremely poor weather conditions are forecast over the coming days with gale force winds and swell above 5 metres.

All ships at anchor are to proceed to sea and remain minimum 12 nautical miles offshore and monitor VHF radio channels 11 & 16.

The anchorage is expected to remain closed for several days with conditions to deteriorate further.

The VTS, pilots and Harbourmaster will assess over the coming days to ensure the safety of the port is maintained. The port and outer harbour presently remain open to harbour movements but with conditions set to deteriorate further, shipping will be conducted on a case-by-case basis during this time depending on weather conditions at the time.

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