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05 Mar 2025 / Port Kembla, Australia
Port Kembla anchorage is closed from 1800 hours local time today (5 March) due to expected winds and swell reaching 4-5 metres.
Vessels must leave anchorage and drift at least 12 Nautical Miles from the coast and monitor VHF Channels 11 and 16.
The Australian Maritime Safety Aurhotiy and the Harbour Master request all vessels off Port Kembla drifting during the coming weather to have engines running at all times and not to come any closer to the port than 12NM unless requested for pilotage.
Vessels in port may run extra lines as needed and lower seaside anchors to the seabed. Vessels are encouraged to contact VTS if further information is required.
VTS, Pilots, and Harbour Master will continue to assess conditions to ensure the safety of the port is maintained.
For further details and updates, as well as information about operations in Australia, contact GAC Australia at [email protected]