Amended port navigation depths

21 Jul 2020 / Townsville, Australia

Mariners are advised that the declared depths for the channels and berth pockets, below port datum, Lowest Astronomical Tide, are amended, as of Monday, 20 July 2020, as follows:

Outer Harbour (Arrival Channel)
- Actual depth (metres): 6.9

Outer Harbour (Departure Channel)
- Actual depth (metres): 11.4*

Sea Channel
- Actual depth (metres): 11.8*

Channel Wedge
- Actual depth (metres): 10.9

Platypus Channel
- Actual depth (metres): 11.6*

Inner Harbour
- Actual depth (metres): 11.3

No. 1 Berth Pocket
- Actual depth (metres): 12.3*

No. 2 Berth Pocket
- Actual depth (metres): 10.8*

No. 3 Berth Pocket
- Actual depth (metres): 11.2*

No. 4 Berth Pocket
- Actual depth (metres): 11.9*

No. 8 Berth Pocket
- Actual depth (metres): 12.1*

No. 9 Berth Pocket
- Actual depth (metres): 11.6*

No. 10 Berth Pocket
- Actual depth (metres): 11.0*

No. 11 Berth Pocket
- Actual depth (metres): 10.4*
- Berth marks 10m to 260m

No. 11 Berth Pocket
- Actual depth (metres): 9.6*
- Berth marks 0m to 10m

Ross River Channel
- Actual depth (metres): 1.9
- Entrance to Beacon No.6

Ross River
- No Declared depth
- Upstream of Beacon No 6

Ross River
- No Declared depth

*Revised entries

(For information about operations in Australia, contact GAC Australia at [email protected])

Source: Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads - Maritime Safety Queensland Notice To Mariners 247 (T) of 2020 dated 20 July 2020

If quoting any content from Hot Port News, please cite GAC Hot Port News as the source.