Aids to Navigation at Hong Kong Offshore LNG Terminal east of Soko Islands

17 May 2023 / Hong Kong

A racon, two lights and two foghorns have been established on the Hong Kong Offshore Liquified Natural Gas Terminal.

The particulars of the racon, lights and foghorns are as follows:

  • Position (WGS 84 Datum): 22° 09.327’N / 113° 57.789’E
    Aid to Navigation: Racon
    Characteristics: Morse code “U”
    Elevation (metres): 48.0

  • Position (WGS 84 Datum): 22° 09.389’N / 113° 57.768’E
    Aid to Navigation: Light
    Characteristics: White, Morse code “U” every 15 seconds
    Elevation (metres): 19.2

    Position (WGS 84 Datum): 22° 09.389’N / 113° 57.768’E
    Aid to Navigation: Foghorn
    Characteristics: Morse code “U” every 30 seconds
    Elevation (metres): 17.2

  • Position (WGS 84 Datum): 22° 09.189’N / 113° 57.829’E
    Aid to Navigation: Light
    Characteristics: White, Morse code “U” every 15 seconds
    Elevation (metres): 19.2

    Position (WGS 84 Datum): 22° 09.189’N / 113° 57.829’E
    Aid to Navigation: Foghorn
    Characteristics: White, Morse code “U” every 15 seconds
    Elevation (metres): 17.2

(For information about operations in Hong Kong, contact GAC Hong Kong at [email protected])

Source: Government of the Hong Kong SAR Marine Department Notice No. 82/2023

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