Additional SBM berthing fee

17 Jun 2024 / Kaohsiung, Taiwan

Kaohsiung Port Affairs branch has advised that from 1 July, vessels berthing in the China Petroleum Corporation (CPC) pontoon area offshore (SBM) will be charged an additional berthing fee.

This fee is for the VLCC vessels berthing offshore buoys outside China Petroleum Corporation (CPC SBM). It is divided into two levels (up to 100,000 tons & above 100,000 tons) and the upper limit of billing is 2 days.

The calculation method is as follows (currency value: New Taiwan Dollars, VAT 5% is additional):

- Up 100,000 gross tons:
NTD 64,000 within 24 hours (inclusive) of the berthing time (less than 24 hours will be charged as 24 hours), more than 24 hours will be charged in units of 12 hours, and NTD 32,000 will be charged per unit.

- More than 100,000 gross tonnage:
NTD 96,000 within 24 hours (inclusive) of berthing time (less than 24 hours will be charged as 24 hours), more than 24 hours will be charged in units of 12 hours, and NTD 48,000 will be charged per unit.

In addition, considering that some VLCC large oil tankers anchor at anchorages while waiting for offshore buoy operations, the ship will be provided with free anchorage fee for the first 10 days. After the first 10 days of exemption of anchorage management fees, anchorage management fees will be charged, with a maximum of 24 hours.

For information about operations in Taiwan, contact GAC Taiwan at [email protected]

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