Additional requirements for SPM

20 Feb 2020 / Seria, Brunei

With regards to the current situation related to the Novel Corona Virus (2019-nCoV), Brunei Shell Petroleum Company Sdn. Bhd. (BSP) has advised that for all vessels arriving in Brunei for crude oil loading operations at Seria Crude Oil Terminal Single Point Mooring, the following additional health surveillance steps and Government guidance are in effect:

  • As per advice from the Ministry of Health, visitors to Brunei with a history of being in mainland China (excluding Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan) within 14 days prior to entering Brunei, i.e. Positive Travel History, will not be permitted to enter any BSP offices and sites.
  • As per Ministry of Energy requirements, details must be provided of any crew with Positive Travel History. Information will be kept confidential and will only be shared with the Ministry of Energy.
  • As per ISPS, vessels to provide last 10 port of calls. They must also provide the crew manifest and complete the Maritime Declaration of Health form.
  • Any vessels which has its last port as China, must be able to demonstrate at least 14 days of quarantine prior to arrival in Seria.

BSP staff are NOT permitted to board any vessels that do not comply with the above requirements.

For information about operations in Brunei, contact the GAC Singapore Hub Agency Centre at

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