Accommodation and support vessel for completion of works

04 Dec 2023 / Ras Laffan, Qatar

Mariners are advised that the accommodation and support vessel for the completion of the works on NFQ26 Jackets after installation near Ras Laffan Port is scheduled from 4 December 2023 to 31 December 2023.

The following coordinates bind these areas:

Latitude (WGS84) 25° 59' 04.772"N / Longitude (WGS84) 51° 44' 22.330"E

All vessels, fishermen, and mariners are requested to navigate cautiously and maintain a sharp lookout for a vessel engaged in the post-installation completion of jackets work, which is restricted in its ability to maneuver in the vicinity of NFQ26.

Please maintain a constant listening watch on VHF Channel 16/12.

(For information about operations in Qatar, contact GAC Qatar at [email protected])

Source: Qatar Energy Notice to Mariners No. 022/2023 dated 4 December 2023

If quoting any content from Hot Port News, please cite GAC Hot Port News as the source.